DIN 1629具有特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝圆管德国标准。
- 分类:国外绿巨人视频黄色技术与服务
- 作者:绿巨人视频官网免费下载管道
- 来源:河北绿巨人视频官网免费下载管道有限公司
- 发布时间:2024-09-27
- 访问量:397
【概要描述】DIN 1629是德国标准,规定了非合金钢无缝圆钢管的要求。这些管子主要用于机械和一般工程目的,但不适合热处理或压力目的。DIN 1629的关键点包括:
DIN 1629具有特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝圆管德国标准。
【概要描述】DIN 1629是德国标准,规定了非合金钢无缝圆钢管的要求。这些管子主要用于机械和一般工程目的,但不适合热处理或压力目的。DIN 1629的关键点包括:
- 分类:国外绿巨人视频黄色技术与服务
- 作者:绿巨人视频官网免费下载管道
- 来源:河北绿巨人视频官网免费下载管道有限公司
- 发布时间:2024-09-27
- 访问量:397
DIN 1629 German standard for Seamless Circular Tubes of Non Alloys Steels with Special Quality Requirements.
DIN 1629具有特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝圆管德国标准。
What is DIN 1629?什么是DIN 1629?
DIN 1629 is a German standard that specifies the requirements for seamless circular steel tubes of non-alloy steels. These tubes are primarily used for mechanical and general engineering purposes, but they are not suitable for heat treatment or pressure purposes. The key points about DIN 1629 include:
DIN 1629是德国标准,规定了非合金钢无缝圆钢管的要求。这些管子主要用于机械和一般工程目的,但不适合热处理或压力目的。DIN 1629的关键点包括:
DIN 1629 is the standard specifies the Seamless Circular Tubes of Non Alloys Steels with Special Quality Requirements.
DIN 1629是规定具有特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝圆管的标准。
DIN 1629 applications the overheated boilers, as minimum thickness ferrite and seamless steel pipes, and as heat exchangers via austenitic pipes.
DIN 1629适用于过热锅炉,如最小厚度的铁素体和无缝钢管,以及通过奥氏体管道的热交换器。
Material Grades材料等级
- St 37.0: Minimum yield strength 235 MPa St 37.0:最小屈服强度235 MPa
- St 44.0: Minimum yield strength 275 MPa St 44.0:最小屈服强度275 MPa
- St 52.0: Minimum yield strength 355 MPa St 52.0:最小屈服强度355 MPa
The standard specifies the outer diameter, wall thickness, and permissible tolerances for the tubes.
Mechanical Properties机械性能
The mechanical properties include tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation, which vary according to the material grade.
Chemical Composition化学成分
The steel used must meet specific chemical composition limits, including carbon, manganese, phosphorus, and sulfur content.
Manufacturing Process制造工艺
Tubes must be manufactured using a seamless process and may be either hot-finished or cold-finished.
Testing Requirements测试要求
Various tests are required to ensure the quality of the tubes, including tensile tests, flattening tests, and hardness tests.
- DN — Nominal Diameter DN——公称直径
- NPS —Nominal Pipe Size ·NPS——公称管道尺寸
Field of application应用领域
- This standard applies to seamless circular tubes and pipes(hereinafter briefly referred to as "tubes") made of unalloyed steels as listed in table 1. These tubes are predominantly used in the constructin of chemical plant, vessels, pipework and for general mechanical engineering purposes. They are designed to meet high performance requirements. Normally there are no limiting vaiues or the maximum permissible working pressure of these tubes. The permissi l working temperature shall not exceed 300℃ are specified in Appendix A.)
The limits of application and other specifications given in this standard shall apply except in cases here other specifications are contained in codes of practice for specific fields of application, e.g. the Technische Regeln fur Dampfkessel (TRD) (Technical rules on steam boilers) or the Technische Regeln fur Druckbehalter (TRB)
(Technical rules on pressure vessels), AD-Merkblatter (AD Instrucation sheets).
(压力容器技术规则),AD Merkblast(AD说明表)。
Chemical composition of steels for seamless circular tuves subject to special repuirements有特殊要求的无缝圆管用钢的化学成分
steel grade |
Type of |
chemical composition, |
Symbol |
Material number |
C |
P |
S |
N¹) |
Addition |
St37.0 |
1.0254 |
R |
0.17 |
0.040 |
0.040 |
0.009²) |
- |
St44.0 |
1.0255 |
R |
0.21 |
0.040 |
0.040 |
0.009²) |
- |
St52.0³) |
1.0421 |
RR |
0.22 |
0.040 |
0.035 |
- |
Yes |
- A content in excess of the maximum value started is permitted if a phosphorus content less than the maximum specifled by 0,005% P per 0,001% N is observed. However, the nitrogen content shall not exceed a value of 0.012% in the cast analysis and 0,014% in the product analysis.
1) 如果观察到磷含量低于每0001%N 0005%P规定的最大值,则允许含量超过开始的最大值。然而,在铸件分析中,氮含量不得超过0.012%,在绿巨人视频黄色分析中不得超过0014%。
2) The specified maximum values do not apply if the steels are supplied with the RR (instead of R) type of deoxidization
2) 如果钢材采用RR(而不是R)型脱氧,则指定的最大值不适用
3) The content shall not exceed 0.55% Si and 1,06% Mn in the cast analysis or 0,60% Si and 1,70% Mn in the product analysis
3) 铸件分析中的硅含量不得超过0.55%,锰含量不得超过1.06%,绿巨人视频黄色分析中的锰含量不得高于0.60%
table 3. Amounts by which the chemical composition in the product analysis may deviate from the limiting values applicable to the cast analysis {see table2}
Element |
Amount by which the product analysis |
C |
+0,02 |
P |
+0,010 |
S |
+0,010 |
N |
+0,001¹) |
¹) A contant in excess of the maximum value stated is permitted if a phosphorus content less than the maximum specified by 0,005% P per 0,001% N is observed. However, the nitrogen contant shall not exceed a value of 0,012% in the cast analysis and 0,014% in the product analysis (this does not apply to the RR type of deoxidization.
¹)如果观察到磷含量低于每0001%N 0005%P规定的最大值,则允许存在超过规定最大值的污染物。然而,在铸件分析中,氮含量不得超过0012%,在绿巨人视频黄色分析中不得超过0014%(这不适用于RR型脱氧)。
table 4. Mechanical properties of tubes in the as delivered condition at room ternperature For wall thickness exceeding 65 mm, the values shall be agreed at the time of ordering
Steel grade |
Upper yield stress |
Tensile strangth |
Elongation after fracture |
Symbol |
Material |
up to 16 |
over 16 |
over 40 |
lonigtudinal |
transverse |
St 37.0 |
1.0254 |
235 |
225 |
216 |
350²) to 480 |
25 |
23 |
St 44.0 |
1.0256 |
275¹) |
265¹) |
255¹) |
420²) to 550 |
21 |
19 |
St 52.0 |
1.0421 |
355 |
345 |
335 |
500²) to 650 |
21 |
19 |
Steel-chemical composition (DIN1629)钢化学成分(DIN1629)
Grade |
C max |
Si max |
Mn |
P max |
S max |
St 35 |
0.17 |
0.35 |
≥0.40 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
St 45 |
0.21 |
0.35 |
≥0.40 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
St 52 |
0.22 |
0.55 |
≤1.60 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
Mechanical Properties(Mpa)机械性能(Mpa)
Steel grade |
BK |
Yield strength Rm N/mm min |
Elongation% min |
Yield strength Rm N/mm min |
Elongation % min |
Yield strength Rm N/mm min |
Tensile Strength ReH N/mm min |
Elongation % min |
Yield strength Rm N/mm min |
Elongation % min |
Yield strength Rm N/mm min |
Tensile Strength ReH N/mm min |
Tensile Strength ReH N/mm min |
St35 |
480 |
6 |
420 |
10 |
420 |
315 |
14 |
315 |
25 |
340-470 |
235 |
25 |
St45 |
580 |
5 |
520 |
8 |
520 |
375 |
12 |
390 |
21 |
440-570 |
255 |
21 |
St52 |
640 |
4 |
580 |
7 |
580 |
420 |
10 |
490 |
22 |
490-630 |
355 |
22 |
¹) For cold f inished tube in the NBK condition (annealed above the upper transformation point under shielding gas or in a vacuum), minimum values of yield stress lower than these valued by 20N/mm² are permitted.
²) For cold finished tubes in the NBK condition, minimum values of tensile strength lower than these values by 10N/mm² are permitted.
The main products of steel / steel grade钢材/钢级的主要绿巨人视频黄色
- DIN1629 ST37.0
- DIN1629 ST44.0
- DIN1629 ST52.0
Size range(mm)尺寸范围(mm)
- Out diameter:10-324mm 外径:10-324mm
- Wall Tickness:1-30mm 墙体厚度:1-30mm
- Length:14000mm max 长度:最大14000mm
Din 1629 seamless steel pipes application fields are: chemical plant, vessels, pipework construction and for common mechanical engineering purposes. Normally DIN 1629 standard are manufactured with no limiting working pressure values. Working temperature is limited below 300℃.
Din 1629无缝钢管的应用领域有:化工厂、容器、管道工程施工和常见的机械工程用途。通常,DIN 1629标准制造时没有限制工作压力值。工作温度限制在300℃以下。
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- 联系手机-15530461111(微信同步)-孟经理
- 联系电话- 0317-6689999 6165555
- 业务邮箱- 9905791@qq.com
- 公司地址- 河北省沧州市盐山县城南工业开发区(中原管道南厂)
- 联系手机-15530461111(微信同步)-孟经理
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